WatchIt: Simple Gestures and Eyes-free Interaction for Wristwatches and Bracelets
We present WatchIt, a prototype device that extends interaction beyond the watch surface to the wristband, and two interaction techniques for command selection and execution. Because the small screen of wristwatch computers suffers from visual occlusion and the fat finger problem, we investigate the use of the wristband as an available interaction resource. Not only does WatchIt use a cheap, energy efficient and invisible technology, but also it involves simple, basic gestures that allow good performance after little training, as suggested by the results of a pilot study. We propose a novel gesture technique and an adaptation of an existing menu technique suitable for wristband interaction. In a user study, we investigate their usage in eyes-free contexts, finding that they perform well. Finally, we present a technique where the bracelet is used in addition to the screen to provide precise continuous control on lists. We also report on a preliminary survey of traditional and digital jewelry that points to the high frequency of watches and bracelets in both genders and gives a sense of the tasks people would like to perform on such devices.