Monostatic Vs. Bistatic Backscattering gain for UWB RFID Real Time Location Systems Z.Mhanna
The vast majority of RFID applications operate in monostatic mode. This is due to their relative simplicity to deploy. However, bistatic detection maximizes the isolation between the transmitter and the receiver and provides further benefits, making tag useful signal detection easier. Multistatic operation uses the two basic reader configurations (monostatic and bistatic). The reader operating principle (monostatic or bistatic configuration) is driven by tradeoffs in cost and performance. In the present work a measurement campaign has been carried out in an indoor reference scenario environment, representing a use case where several readers cooperate in order to provide both the detection and localization of tags operating in modulated backscattering (MBS). A statistical analysis shows that a significant performance improvement can be obtained by implementing multistatic operation.